Welcome to our revamped site! We're still ironing a few things out, if you notice anything funny, please send us an email: hello@jigsawnation.com
Not just a matchbox, even better.

Not just a matchbox
even better.

At Jigsaw Nation we love puzzles & matchboxes so we created matchbox puzzles.

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Dive into space-themed puzzles

Dive into space-themed puzzles

Calling all space enthusiasts! We've teamed up with A47 from ISRO to create an exciting collection of space puzzles for you to enjoy.

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Puzzles aren't just a hobby;
but a form of art.

From puzzle to art; preserve your puzzles.

From puzzle to art; preserve your puzzles.

Beyond the challenge, each puzzle piece is a step towards a unique masterpiece. Don't just disassemble your puzzles - frame and display them.

Reconnect with childhood nostalgia through Tinkle puzzles

Reconnect with childhood nostalgia through Tinkle puzzles

We've partnered with Tinkle to craft the perfect puzzles featuring our beloved childhood characters.

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